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Yes, there have been several optimizations in the i16 series Case: (1) Appearance: The camera ring design has been updated to a more minimalist style with a titanium color.(2) Technical Solution: The new Case6 is a full-cover solution.(3) Magnetic Force: The magnets have been thickened by 0.1mm, increasing magnetic strength by 0.1 kg compared to the previous generation.(4) Internal Magnet: The i16 has an embedded magnet at the bottom, allowing for precise alignment with PITAKA lanyard metal clips.
(1) Avoid exposing the glowing area to high-energy (≥15W) UV light for extended periods (≥3 minutes), as this can cause permanent irreversible damage and yellowing.(2) Do not place the product in environments with temperatures above 80°C for long periods (≥3 months) to prevent irreversible yellowing of the material.
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